Secure in Your Insecurities


We all have them.

We all struggle with them.

We all try to find a way to overcome them.

We are successful at times, but often we fall short.

“I’m not as qualified as he is to do this.”

“I’m not as brave as she is.”

“Oh, she’s way prettier than I am.”

“Dang- she’s got it all together. Why can’t I be more like that?”

“I’m never going to achieve this goal. I keep falling short.”

“Wow. Her blog post is WAY better than mine.” 😉

These few thoughts are basically saying “I’m not GOOD enough.” “I’m not WORTHY enough.” “I’m not_____ enough.” You fill in the blank.

In an honest moment, I was having some major insecure moments last night and this morning. I was struggling with the dreaded word COMPARISON. Comparison. Ick. I’ve heard so many times that comparison will get you nowhere and it is ultimately insulting who God created you to be. While these points are absolutely true, I still struggle.

Why do we let what other people think about us define who we are and how we walk? Why do we even care so much about what others think? Why do we compare someone else’s highlights to our blooper reel? Why do we get so deep inside our own thoughts and begin to fear or doubt the truth God has instilled in us?  Let me tell you, friends. If you have ever struggled with these thoughts– I am right there with you. I became secure in my insecurities and I let it get the best of me.

Being secure in your insecurities will bring out more lies and will ultimately keep you where you are. No room for improvement or growth. You’re just settled and STUCK. Stuck rhymes with yuck. Being stuck is yuck. But really though…

Insecurities will breed thoughts of…

“I’ll never be able to achieve that. So I’ll just stop trying.”

“That’s out of my reach. I’m not even going to attempt that.”

“Meh. I’m not good enough.”

“I’ve let so much time pass, why should I start trying to pick up the pieces now?”

“It’s too late.”

Yuck. Yuck. Yuck.

Amidst all of this yuck, there is beauty. Beauty you say? YES. Beauty. There is beauty in the struggle. There is beauty in the doubts. There is beauty in the fear. There is beauty in the pain.

We are not perfect by any means, but God did create each of us with our own beauty. Insecurity is a real thing, my friends, and it peaks its ugly head out every day! But with struggle comes growth. With struggle comes understanding. With struggle comes security! Security that God will constantly and consistently show you that you ARE WORTHY. You ARE CAPABLE. You ARE QUALIFIED. You ARE BEAUFITUL (or HANDSOME). You ARE ENOUGH. YOU ARE A CHILD OF GOD.

Do you feel it?

Begin speaking TRUTH over your life, situation, struggle, insecurities, or whatever you need in this moment. You are who you are for a reason. You’ve struggled for a reason. No one else on this planet is like YOU! There will never be another person like you and you are so incredibly worthy and loved. I can’t say it enough… You are worthy. You are loved. You are enough.

Although I may struggle in my own insecurities, I am secure in the One who made me and in the One who holds me every day. As tears of uncertainty, insecurity, and brokenness have overwhelmed me this week, I am reminded that I AM A CHILD OF GOD. I am no longer a slave to COMPARISON. I will not speak those lies over myself and I will not let the enemy consume my thoughts. I am a child of God.


Are you ready to stop admitting yourself into “prison”? Let’s make the daily choice together to stop the thoughts that will ultimately immobilize, limit, and captivate our potential.

Lysa TerKeurst said it well in her book “The Best Yes,”     “When I change to a growth mind-set, I don’t chain my identity to my insecurity. Instead, I chain my identity to the Word of God that breathes hope and powerful potential back into any situation.”

Be encouraged today, my friends! You do not need to succumb to your insecurities! Instead, be secure in who God made you to be. 🙂


❤️ Melissa Joy

“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” ~Romans 12:2


Quick shout out to my amazing boyfriend, Jordan Paul. Along with the truth I receive from my Heavenly Father, I am also truly, truly thankful to have a best friend who reminds me every day that I am worthy and loved. Thank you, Jordan Paul, for calling out greatness in me that I sometimes fail to see in myself. You are one of a kind, and I love you ❤

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